Grotesquely beautiful and darkly comic tragedy – Alumnae’s Antigone is a work of art

Antigone (Kaya Bucholc) held by Guard (Eric Mrakovcic) as Guards (Renee Awotwi & Patrick Fowler) look on. Photo by Bruce Peters. In the semi-darkness, a masked, covered figure lies centre stage, surrounded by three ropes that hang from the ceiling. Sleeping or dead? The house lights go down and there’s movement from the front ofContinue reading “Grotesquely beautiful and darkly comic tragedy – Alumnae’s Antigone is a work of art”

Powerful, moving & beautifully raw storytelling in I Am Marguerite

In 1542, banished from a French ship by a heartless, domineering brother, Marguerite de Roberval is set afloat on a skiff towards a remote island off the north coast of Newfoundland. With her are her faithful nurse and her lover Eugene. Left with scant provisions and in fear of never seeing home or loved onesContinue reading “Powerful, moving & beautifully raw storytelling in I Am Marguerite”