FireWorks Festival: Navigating the media circus in the face of profound loss in the moving, razor-sharp, thought-provoking Grief Circus

Bronson Lake & Alison Dickson. Set design by Teodoro Dragonieri. Costume design by Paige Foskett. Lighting design by Liam Stewart. Photo by Bruce Peters. Alumnae Theatre opened its second week of the FireWorks Festival last night, with Crystal Wood’s Grief Circus, directed by Paige Foskett. As moving as it is razor-sharp, this timely multimedia pieceContinue reading “FireWorks Festival: Navigating the media circus in the face of profound loss in the moving, razor-sharp, thought-provoking Grief Circus”

Witch hunt meets climate change conspiracy in Village Playhouse’s haunting, dystopic Foxfinder

The time is the present. The world is not quite the same as the one in which you and I live.      Foxfinder program note The Village Playhouse opened its production of Dawn King’s Foxfinder last week, a Canadian premiere directed by Nicole Arends. A hard rainstorm threatens the Covey farm’s already compromised crop quota forContinue reading “Witch hunt meets climate change conspiracy in Village Playhouse’s haunting, dystopic Foxfinder”