Book blurb for fun: They Don’t Run Red Trains Anymore

Image: The cover of Heidi Von Palleske’s They Don’t Run Red Trains Anymore. A painting of a woman in an evening gown, who appears to be clawing her own eyes out, a trickle of blood streaming down her right cheek. Ancient architecture in the background, with light and shadow playing across the interior space. PaintingContinue reading “Book blurb for fun: They Don’t Run Red Trains Anymore”

Book blurbs for fun: Missed Connections

The cover of Missed Connections, by Brian Francis, featuring an illustrated pen drawing out the title, a pile of letters and the silhouette of a man walking away. Time for another book blurb: Brian Francis’ memoir Missed Connections, published by McClelland & Stewart/Penguin Random House Canada—I got my copy from Glad Day Bookshop (Toronto). IContinue reading “Book blurbs for fun: Missed Connections”

Book blurbs for fun: Why I Was Late

Why I Was Late book cover, design by Emmie Tsumura, in collaboration with author Charlie Petch. Illustrated images of wrestlers, everyday objects, clothing, a dog, an outstretched hand, a saw. I recently added a book blurbs page to the blog, as I realized it’s another creative pursuit that I really enjoy and wanted to share.Continue reading “Book blurbs for fun: Why I Was Late”

List of firsts, interrupted

During the last week of August, I started a “list of firsts”. That list has since been interrupted as Toronto residents, among others, return to more cautious public health measures—notably not venturing into other households—now that we’re into wave 2 of the pandemic. It’s not a huge list, but it’s a meaningful one, and stretchesContinue reading “List of firsts, interrupted”

The list of lasts

The following is my list of lasts from the Before Time (pre-COVID-19)—the last time I ventured outside my neighbourhood on transit and had in-person contact with other people. It really sums up the people, places and things I love—and really miss. Last time I saw my parents: November 3, 2019 at the Elm Hurst InnContinue reading “The list of lasts”

Reflections of home during COVID-19

When I went on hiatus with the blog in February, it was with the intention of taking some time away, to step back, get some R&R and figure out where the blog was going to go next as I made the move away from reviewing and focusing on my own art. Since then, I’ve postedContinue reading “Reflections of home during COVID-19”

A smile during wearying, uncertain times

With COVID-19 in our midst, we’re living in some intense, uncertain, life-altering times right now—and, frankly, we could probably all use a good laugh. Here’s a little smile: a throwback to my first stand-up performance with Dawn Whitwell’s Comedy Girl Level One class at Comedy Bar in Toronto. With thanks to my sis Colleen McKimContinue reading “A smile during wearying, uncertain times”

Top 10 Theatre 2019

It’s that time of the year again. Here are my top 10 theatre productions for 2019, in alphabetical order (based on Toronto productions I reviewed this calendar year): Athabasca. Convergence Theatre Between Riverside and Crazy. Coal Mine Theatre The Black Drum. Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf and Deaf Cultural Centre The Flick. Outside theContinue reading “Top 10 Theatre 2019”

Remembering Carlin Belof

Carlin was in her mid-teens and I was in my early 20s when we first met, both students at Theatre Aquarius Summer Theatre School in Hamilton, Ontario during the mid-80s—and I remember being struck by her focus, maturity and talent. An old, creative soul, she was already writing songs that were melodic, poignant and catchy;Continue reading “Remembering Carlin Belof”

Melanie Peterson’s “Christmas Breaks My Heart” a gentle, melodic nod to holiday heartache

Melanie Peterson, live at Free Times Cafe for last night’s “Christmas Breaks My Heart” launch.   It was standing room only at Free Times Café last night, as Melanie Peterson celebrated the launch of her new holiday single “Christmas Breaks My Heart”, featuring the talents of fellow Toronto-based singer/songwriter guests Matt Gerber and Angela Saini.Continue reading “Melanie Peterson’s “Christmas Breaks My Heart” a gentle, melodic nod to holiday heartache”