Top 10 Theatre 2019

It’s that time of the year again. Here are my top 10 theatre productions for 2019, in alphabetical order (based on Toronto productions I reviewed this calendar year): Athabasca. Convergence Theatre Between Riverside and Crazy. Coal Mine Theatre The Black Drum. Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf and Deaf Cultural Centre The Flick. Outside theContinue reading “Top 10 Theatre 2019”

Toronto Fringe: Turning up the heat in a complex power struggle in the gripping, darkly funny Anywhere

Cass Van Wyck & Courtney Ch’ng Lancaster. Costumes by Lindsay Dagger Junkin. Photo by Emily Dix.   One Four One Collective and The Spadina Avenue Gang take us to the middle of a tension-filled stand-off between a suburban Airbnb host and guest with Michael Ross Albert’s gripping, darkly funny Anywhere, directed by David LaFontaine andContinue reading “Toronto Fringe: Turning up the heat in a complex power struggle in the gripping, darkly funny Anywhere”