Practising gratitude

As we head into week 17 of public health measures to protect ourselves, others and our health care system during the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s hope for a shift into stage 3, being reunited with loved ones, and looking forward—with both trepidation and excitement—to what the world will be like when we come out of this.Continue reading “Practising gratitude”

The list of lasts

The following is my list of lasts from the Before Time (pre-COVID-19)—the last time I ventured outside my neighbourhood on transit and had in-person contact with other people. It really sums up the people, places and things I love—and really miss. Last time I saw my parents: November 3, 2019 at the Elm Hurst InnContinue reading “The list of lasts”

50 things I’ve learned

I was inspired by Toronto Star columnist Joe Fiorito’s list of 65 things he’s learned to create one of my own milestone lists. In no particular order:  It’s better to give. – Zoie Palmer reminded me of this in a tweet she posted today  People who talk to you about others will also talk toContinue reading “50 things I’ve learned”