Community, conflict & discovery in New Ideas funny & poignant Week 3 program

It’s the final week of Alumnae Theatre’s New Ideas Festival (NIF),  and the Week 3 program features an extra bonus show: a lobby play. So get to the theatre early (around 7:30 p.m. to get a good spot in the lobby near the staircase to the mainstage) for this extra NIF treat. The Nurse (lobbyContinue reading “Community, conflict & discovery in New Ideas funny & poignant Week 3 program”

Lost youth, family secrets, modern-day parable & silence speaking volumes in New Ideas Week Two program

Back at Alumnae Theatre for the Week Two program of the New Ideas Festival last night – and this is a very strong program, featuring four excellent – and very different – plays. The Living Library, by Linda McCready and directed by Stacy Halloran is a delightfully funny two-hander about a young woman who comesContinue reading “Lost youth, family secrets, modern-day parable & silence speaking volumes in New Ideas Week Two program”

A world on a stage – scenic work on The Lady’s Not For Burning @ Alumnae Theatre

Hey all – As promised, here’s the slideshow extravaganza of the work for my recent scenic artist gig on Alumnae Theatre’s production of The Lady’s Not For Burning (designed by Ed Rosing). Shouts to: Building crew: Master carpenter Mike Peck, with additional construction by Cody Boyd, Paul Cotton, Gord Peck, Ed Rosing and Mike Vitorovitch.Continue reading “A world on a stage – scenic work on The Lady’s Not For Burning @ Alumnae Theatre”

Wit, wonder & wisdom in The Lady’s Not For Burning @ Alumnae Theatre

“Life, forbye, is the way We fatten for the Michaelmas of our own particular Gallows. What a wonderful thing is metaphor!” – Thomas Mendip in The Lady’s Not For Burning (from director’s program notes) Alumnae Theatre Company’s production of The Lady’s Not For Burning, directed by Jane Carnwath, brings the wit, wonder and wisdom ofContinue reading “Wit, wonder & wisdom in The Lady’s Not For Burning @ Alumnae Theatre”

Sweet romcom reunion – Joan Burrow’s play Gloria’s Guy @ FireWorks

Got out to Alumnae Theatre last night to see Joan Burrow’s play Gloria’s Guy, one of the three plays running in rep as part of the FireWorks program up in the studio space. Directed by Anne Harper, Gloria’s Guy is a sweet romcom reunion of high school friends Peggy (Jennifer Monteith), Gloria (Anna Douglas), EvaContinue reading “Sweet romcom reunion – Joan Burrow’s play Gloria’s Guy @ FireWorks”

Science, politics & egos collide – Measure of the World @ FireWorks

Alumnae Theatre Company opened their FireWorks program this past Wednesday, a new three-play repertory program of original works developed in conjunction with Alumnae’s New Play Development (NPD) group or the New Ideas Festival. Science, politics and egos collide amidst the passion of discovery and desire for freedom in Shirley Barrie’s Measure of the World, directedContinue reading “Science, politics & egos collide – Measure of the World @ FireWorks”

Busy times @ Alumnae Theatre

Hey all. Busy times working in theatre in addition to the full-time job this week, and I was in Ottawa visiting friends last Friday/weekend – so haven’t been able to get out to see stuff. Wanted to give some shouts out to the beehive of activity that is Alumnae Theatre, though. Lots going on atContinue reading “Busy times @ Alumnae Theatre”

Willow Quartet @ the Curtain Club

Hey all – Some of you may recall me blogging about my fall set painting gig with set designer Ed Rosing for Joan Burrow’s play Willow Quartet, which was mounted as an indie production at the Papermill Theatre at the end of November/early December. If you missed it back then – or want to seeContinue reading “Willow Quartet @ the Curtain Club”