Powerful, moving & beautifully raw storytelling in I Am Marguerite

In 1542, banished from a French ship by a heartless, domineering brother, Marguerite de Roberval is set afloat on a skiff towards a remote island off the north coast of Newfoundland. With her are her faithful nurse and her lover Eugene. Left with scant provisions and in fear of never seeing home or loved onesContinue reading “Powerful, moving & beautifully raw storytelling in I Am Marguerite”

Science, politics & egos collide – Measure of the World @ FireWorks

Alumnae Theatre Company opened their FireWorks program this past Wednesday, a new three-play repertory program of original works developed in conjunction with Alumnae’s New Play Development (NPD) group or the New Ideas Festival. Science, politics and egos collide amidst the passion of discovery and desire for freedom in Shirley Barrie’s Measure of the World, directedContinue reading “Science, politics & egos collide – Measure of the World @ FireWorks”