Trippy, quirky, thought-provoking mind-f*ck of a good time in The Summoned

If it can be done it will be done. Static for a time, then appearing as if being typed by an unseen hand, there is a quasi-religious elegance to these words. God meets science. This is how the stage is set for Tarragon Theatre’s world premiere of Fabrizio Filippo’s The Summoned, directed by Richard Rose,Continue reading “Trippy, quirky, thought-provoking mind-f*ck of a good time in The Summoned”

Touching, disturbing macabredy – Murderers Confess at Christmastime

Three beds, suggesting three separate playing areas. And Christmas music, which is kinda trippy when you’re hearing it in August. Setting the scene for Outside the March/The Serial Collective co- production of Jason Chinn’s Murderers Confess at Christmastime, directed for SumerWorks by Simon Bloom. An injured young actress (Amy Keating), home alone, becomes an unwitting hostContinue reading “Touching, disturbing macabredy – Murderers Confess at Christmastime”