Women’s stories across the ages in the sharp-witted, illuminating & timely Top Girls

Jordi O’Dael (Gret), Jennifer Fahy (Patient Griselda), Charlotte Ferrarei (Pope Joan), Alison Dowling (Marlene), Lisa Lenihan (Isabella Bird), Tea Nguyen (Lady Nijo). Set design by Teodoro Dragonieri. Costume design by Bec Brownstone. Lighting design by Jay Hines. Projection design by Madison Madhu. Photo by Bruce Peters.   Alumnae Theatre Company opened its timely, updated production ofContinue reading “Women’s stories across the ages in the sharp-witted, illuminating & timely Top Girls”

Happy feet & hopeful hearts in Alumnae Theatre’s delightful, poignant Stepping Out

Alumnae Theatre Company’s got its dancing shoes on as it mounts its retrospective production for the 2015-16 season: Richard Harris’s Stepping Out (originally produced by Alumnae in 1989), which opened on the main stage to a packed house last night. Directed by Executive Producer Brenda Darling, assisted by Liz Best, and choreographed by Alyssa MartinContinue reading “Happy feet & hopeful hearts in Alumnae Theatre’s delightful, poignant Stepping Out”

Science, politics & egos collide – Measure of the World @ FireWorks

Alumnae Theatre Company opened their FireWorks program this past Wednesday, a new three-play repertory program of original works developed in conjunction with Alumnae’s New Play Development (NPD) group or the New Ideas Festival. Science, politics and egos collide amidst the passion of discovery and desire for freedom in Shirley Barrie’s Measure of the World, directedContinue reading “Science, politics & egos collide – Measure of the World @ FireWorks”

Hilariously sexy good times – The Underpants

Men are silly. Then again, so are women. And we all become equally silly when we let our desires run away with us. And it’s especially fun when otherwise straight-laced, upstanding citizens toss their hang-ups aside as they get carried away. The Underpants, Steve Martin’s adaptation of Carl Sternheim’s Die Hose – directed for AlumnaeContinue reading “Hilariously sexy good times – The Underpants”