Portrait of a family in messy, human shades of grey in the intimate, intense, complex What I Call Her

Charlie Gould & Ellie Ellwand. Lighting design by Imogen Wilson. Photo by Dahlia Katz. In Association—which led a sold-out production of Ellie Moon’s Asking For It last season—partners with Crow’s Theatre once again, this time with the world premiere of Moon’s intimate, intense and complex What I Call Her, directed by Sarah Kitz and openingContinue reading “Portrait of a family in messy, human shades of grey in the intimate, intense, complex What I Call Her”

Past & present collide as the walls come down in the compelling, intimate Agency

Yell Rebel opened its production of Eva Barrie’s Agency, directed by Megan Watson, in The Theatre Centre Incubator space last Thursday; I caught the show last night. Searching for answers about the fate of her father Peter (Ben Sanders), Hannah (Eva Barrie) arrives at a Berlin travel agency looking for Thomas (Earl Pastko). Armed withContinue reading “Past & present collide as the walls come down in the compelling, intimate Agency”

SummerWorks: The painful truth on the road to reconciliation in beautiful & compelling The Living

How can we move on if we can’t accept the impossible? Brown paper, like fallen leaves, strewn across the floor – a struggling landscape. Two shrouded bodies, still, unbreathing – the dead. This is the sight on the playing area as you enter the Theatre Centre Incubator space – the stage set for the premiereContinue reading “SummerWorks: The painful truth on the road to reconciliation in beautiful & compelling The Living”