The Sad Blisters: The story behind the photo

The Sad Blisters poster/postcard uses real-life images of the cast, taken at weddings over the years. Here’s the story behind my photo: This photo was taken in 1998, at my brother Brian and sister-in-law Anne-Marie’s wedding reception. It was a great day, with one notable omission: my youngest brother Sean, who was to be Brian’sContinue reading “The Sad Blisters: The story behind the photo”

Struggling with life’s complexities in the quirky, hilarious, poignant George F. Walker double bill: Her Inside Life & Kill the Poor

Left: Catherine Fitch in Her Inside Life. Right: Craig Henderson & Anne van Leeuwen in Kill the Poor. Photos by John Gundy.   Leroy Street Theatre and Low Rise Productions join forces, with the assistance of Storefront Theatre, to present a world premiere double bill of two George F. Walker plays: Her Inside Life, directedContinue reading “Struggling with life’s complexities in the quirky, hilarious, poignant George F. Walker double bill: Her Inside Life & Kill the Poor”