An entertaining, poignant love letter to roots, family & father in Paolozzapedia

    Why Not Theatre’s 2015 edition of the RISER Project continued the final leg of its programming last night at the Theatre Centre with the opening performances of Mahmoud (which I saw on Wed. night – see the post here) and Paolozzapedia. Written and performed by Adam Paolozza, who co-directed with Daniele Bartolini, andContinue reading “An entertaining, poignant love letter to roots, family & father in Paolozzapedia”

Partnership & mentorship flourish in the second year of the RISER Project

“There are a great deal of opportunities within the Toronto theatre community for mentorship and the development of artists but The RISER Project is unique in that it creates a rare opportunity for companies and artists to be mentored through production … this model empowers artists to find their voice and not rely on curationContinue reading “Partnership & mentorship flourish in the second year of the RISER Project”