Revolution, reversal, revulsion: Soulpepper’s disturbingly hilarious, brutally satirical, timely Animal Farm

Rick Roberts, Sarah Wilson & Miriam Fernandes. Set and costume design by Ken MacKenzie. Lighting design by André du Toit. Photo by Cylla von Tiedemann. Soulpepper brings George Orwell’s chilling and bizarre cautionary tale of revolution, politics and corporate greed to life with its world premiere of Anthony MacMahon’s stage adaptation of Animal Farm, directedContinue reading “Revolution, reversal, revulsion: Soulpepper’s disturbingly hilarious, brutally satirical, timely Animal Farm”

Hamlet as you’ve never seen it in the haunting, beautiful ASL/English adaptation Prince Hamlet

Christine Horne as Hamlet in Prince Hamlet—photo by Bronwen Sharp   Why Not Theatre mounts Ravi Jain’s exciting bilingual (ASL and English) adaptation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet with its production of Prince Hamlet, directed by Jain; and currently running at the Theatre Centre. This production has already been garnering some well-deserved buzz. Not only does PrinceContinue reading “Hamlet as you’ve never seen it in the haunting, beautiful ASL/English adaptation Prince Hamlet”

Partnership & mentorship flourish in the second year of the RISER Project

“There are a great deal of opportunities within the Toronto theatre community for mentorship and the development of artists but The RISER Project is unique in that it creates a rare opportunity for companies and artists to be mentored through production … this model empowers artists to find their voice and not rely on curationContinue reading “Partnership & mentorship flourish in the second year of the RISER Project”

Cinematic, diabolically fun trip to the dark side – Cine Monstro @ PROGRESS fest

A kid who’s fascination with his weird next door neighbours turns to morbid fixation following a horrific event in their home. A boyfriend and girlfriend constantly fight as she longs for marriage and a baby, and he gropes for an unknown something that’s just out of reach. A recovering addict drawn to screenwriting envisions anContinue reading “Cinematic, diabolically fun trip to the dark side – Cine Monstro @ PROGRESS fest”